Mann mach hinne

für alex 2

<mugg> Hey, I wanted to play SSBM online with a friend
<mugg> Now my friend said he got kaillera to work in r2895
<mugg> We haven't tried anything yet, but will it work on 2895? I told him to get 6218
* nakee hat die Verbindung getrennt (Read error: Operation timed out)
<Billiard> newer rev netplay works better than that old rev that had kaillera hacked in
<Billiard> but it still isn't perfect
<mugg> Is there some guide for netplay?
<Billiard> ssbm doesn't work well without dsp lle and single core
<mugg> I don't know how port forwarding works
<Billiard> so it runs too slow unless your pc is like a zillion gigahertz
<Billiard> first go see how your pc runs ssbm with dsp lle and dual core off :p
<Billiard> see if it's worth it
* Rorec hat die Verbindung getrennt (wat)
<mugg> Runs at 40 FPS in PAL
<mugg> when dsplle and dual core is off
* Rorec (~nomnomnom@ hat #dolphin-emu betreten
<Billiard> using dsplle not hle?
<Billiard> your pc must be a zillion gigahertz
<Billiard> :p
<mugg> hle?
<mugg> 2.8 GHz here I think
<Billiard> dsp hle is the default dsp plugin
<Billiard> the fast one
<mugg> ahh
<mugg> let me try again
* nakee ( hat #dolphin-emu betreten
<DARUDE> mines is zillion gigaherz
<mugg> "failed to load xy.bin"
* EmuDev gibt Op-Status an nakee
<Billiard> mugg: need some crap dumped from a real gc/wii to use dsplle
<Billiard> DARUDE: mines just half a zillion
<DARUDE> now we know who has the bigger peen
<mugg> so what do I need to get?
<mugg> And where do I get it?
<mugg> Is it required to run ssbm in dsplle
<mugg> ?
<Billiard> required for any game in dsp lle
<Billiard> there is a guide on the forums how to dump it
<Billiard> i think
<Billiard> melee will run on netplay with dsphle, but it usually desyncs when i try it
<mugg> So I take it there aren't filed available for download?
<mugg> files*
<Billiard> ...not on the forums
<LordMark> mugg:
<mugg> Is it illegal?
<mugg> hm ok
<N-Kei> ROMS
<mugg> How do I place those files in the dolphin folder?
<Billiard> mugg: LordMark's link tells you
<mugg> hm it's actually only one file
<mugg> ok
<DARUDE> N-Kei, Fedor.
<mugg> Well, I'm not sure if getting that file helped but I'm getting the same error messages
<mugg> failed to load dsp rom: sys/gc/dsp_rom.bin
<Billiard> mugg: that file isn't what you put in your dolphin directory...
<LordMark> ssbm is running at like ~25fps (lle/SC) so it will be too slow even if you dump roms
<mugg> failed to load dsp rom: sys/gc/dsp_coef.bin
<LordMark> on 3Ghz
<Billiard> it is a program to dump the files you need from a real wii
<Billiard> mugg: ^
<Sonic1_> yes, 3ghz is an awesome measurement of what to run Dolphin on
<mugg> ok
<mugg> Think I can play at 50 FPS online in 10 years from now? :P
<Sonic1_> Only if you CPU is 3Ghz
<Sonic1_> 2.93Ghz and it will fail
<LordMark> ...
<Billiard> and you have usb 3.0
<Billiard> and gigabit ethernet
<Billiard> and wireless N
<Sonic1_> ten years from now we should all be using the successor to Intel's Lightpeak
* Sonic1_ can't remember the name
<Billiard> lightpeak 2.0
<Billiard> lightpeak++
<mugg> Well I looked it up and I indeed have 2.8 GHz
<mugg> I think even 15 FPS will be fine
<mugg> online
<mugg> Is that possible?
<Billiard> perhaps
<Billiard> try it and see
<mugg> I don't know how to get my hands on those files though
<Billiard> try it with dsphle then
<mugg> I do have a wii, but I'm not familiar with hacking, wii usb, or anything... I haven't used wii for quite a while
<mugg> ok
<Billiard> it might desync after a minute or two tho
<Sonic1_> if (strstr((const char*)glGetString(GL_VENDOR), "Humper") != NULL) s_nMaxPixelInstructions = 4096;
<Sonic1_> What hell
* Ghabry hat die Verbindung getrennt (Quit: _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);)
<Sonic1_> Why the hell did they use Humper and the vendor ID? >_<
<Billiard> cause it sounds cool?
<DARUDE> N-Kei, Fedor.

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